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Posts tagged ‘New Year resolutions’

Five ways to avoid the Blue Monday blues

Photo showing a hand sketching a lightbulb surrounded by pencils

According to a British psychologist, the third Monday of January is the most depressing day of the year. Perhaps it’s the northern hemisphere’s wintry weather; the fact you’re not doing so well on your New Year’s resolutions; or you’ve got a stack of Christmas bills piling up.

Whatever the reason, here’s our list of five ways to cheer yourself up and beat the blue Monday blues without resorting to burying under the duvet until summer arrives again:

  1. Kick off your New Year’s resolution – assuming your resolution is to move, work and live overseas this year, start researching and planning your move. Think about where you’ll live, research suburbs, holidays, cost of living, the education system… there, that feels better already, doesn’t it? You’re doing something and making it happen. Result.
  2. Plan a holiday – shake off the blues by planning your next escape. You could even plan a trip to the country you’d love to move to this year, so not only is it a fantastic break away but it’s a research trip too.
  3. Search for a new job – new year, new challenge – new job? Make the job hunt even more productive by researching jobs in the country you fancy moving to.
  4. Inspire yourself – use everyone’s favourite internet search engine to gawp at gorgeous pictures of where you’re hoping to live. Feast your eyes on spectacular scenery and use that dreaminess to picture yourself there – it’ll fuel your desire to move, and your plan-making.
  5. Start a new hobby – get out of your January funk by throwing yourself into something new. Learning a language, some fancy new dance moves or knitting jumpers for cats. Whatever it is, it’s a great way to meet new people, flex your grey matter and may even help in your new home overseas!

How are you tackling the January blues?

Let us know your top tips!

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